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Occupations Demand in NORWAY

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Denmark is one of the European Union's most active members in trying to recruit skilled workers from around the world.

If you can score enough points based upon criteria such as age, education, language skills, and work experience, you can obtain a three year residence permit under the Danish Green Card scheme which will allow you to live in Denmark and find work. A previous job offer is not required.

           Education level                                                  Points
           Bachelors degree                                                    30
           Bachelors degree + 1 year Masters degree                50
           Masters degree                                                       60
           PhD                                                                        80

Bonus points can also be earned under Education:

                      School Ranking Bonus                 Points
                                 Top 400                                  5
                                 Top 200                                 10
                                 Top 100                                 15

Education related to occupation on the Positive List Bonus Points
                                    Yes                                                 10

The monthly rates required to meet the financial requiremnents before tax are (as of 2011):

           • DKK 5,367 for persons under the age of 25 living alone
           • DKK 6,472 for persons 25 years of age and older living alone
           • DKK 5,367 per person for spouses or cohabiting partners

Addional monthly rates (called "caregiver supplements") apply if you have children under 18 living in the household. A household can receive a maximum of two caregiver supplements. The monthly caregiver supplement is (as of 2011):

           • DKK 1,342 per child for married or cohabiting parents
           • DKK 1,619 per child for single parents

For example, if you plan to immigrate by yourself to Denmark and you are over the age of 25, you must have DKK 6,472 X 12 months = DKK 77,664 available to fund your first year in Denmark. If you are coming as a single parent of three children and you are over the age of 25, you must have (DKK 6,472 X 12) + (1,619 X 2 X 12) = DKK 116,520 available to fund your first year in Denmark.

The Positive List is broken into a number of fields of work:

                Academic Work (includes project management, engineering occupations, lawyers, doctors, and other professional occupations)
                • Construction
                • Hotel, Restaurant, Kitchen, Canteen
                • IT and Telecommunication
                • Management
                • Educational, Social and Religious Occupations
                • Sales, Purchases and Marketing
                • Health, Healthcare and Personal Care
                • Freight Forwarding, Postal Services, Storage and Engine Operation
                • Education and tuition

The Danish Green Card scheme allows you to live and work in Denmark if you can score enough points based upon criteria such as age, language skills, work experience, and education. If you score at least 100 points, you can obtain a residence permit valid for up to18 months. In addition, you will be able to bring your immediate family along.

Norway is not part of the European Union, although it is part of the European Economic Area (EEA). It has many treaties with EU nations that give it nearly the same status as a Member State, and it is part of the Schengen Treaty, which allows exchange of traveler data between many EU and european countries so that travel within the zone is easier.

A permanent residence permit entitles the holder to live and work in Norway indefinitely.

If you are granted a residence permit in Norway, you automatically also receive an entry permit, which entitles you to stay in Norway for seven days. You do not, therefore, need to also apply for a visa. You must contact the police during the seven days you are entitled to stay in order to obtain a sticker in your passport or travel document showing that you have a residence permit in Norway.

The Norwegian Embassy in Colombo is one of Norway’s 104 missions abroad.
30 people work at the Embassy, which is divided into development, consular and political sections. The Ambassador is also accredited to the Maldives.

The Embassy is located on 49 Bullers Lane, Colombo 7.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08.30-16.00
The Consular Section is open from 09.00-12.00 Monday through Thursday
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